The SSH (Secure Shell) protocol lets a user connect remotely to a computer from another. The communication goes through an encrypted connection. It uses public key cryptography to ensure a safe connection to the SSH Server from an SSH Client. Here are some basic SSH commands that you need to know.
Command | What the command action does |
exit | This exits the connection |
reboot | This will reboot the device |
sudo | Allows you to run commands as a “Super User” |
ls | Show directory contents |
cd | Change Directory |
mkdir | Create a new folder |
touch | Create a new file |
pwd | Shows current directory (full path to where you are right now) |
cat | Show contents of a file |
rm | Remove a file/folder |
cp | Copy a file/folder |
mv | Move a file/folder |
grep | Search for a specific phrase in file/lines |
find | This searches files and directories |
vi/nano | Text Editors |
history | Shows the last 50 used commands |
clear | This clears the screen |
tar | Create and Unpack Compressed Archives |
wget | Download Files from the internet |
du | Get File Size |
head | Lets you read the first 10 lines of content inside a file. |
tail | Lets you read the last 10 lines of contents inside a file |
zip | A compression and file packaging utility |
unzip | This is to decompress a file package |
chmod | Stands for “Change Mode” – Changes file/folder permissions |
wall | This broadcasts a message to all logged-in users |
w | This displays all logged-in users |
who | This provides a more detailed look at the logged-in users |